Meeting Date
- Enjie Hall
- Role and Experiences
- Director of Accessibility and Disability Resources at the University of Toledo
- Serves as University of Toledo’s ADA Section 504 Compliance Officer
- 6.5 years at University of Toledo, before that worked at Ohio State’s disability office for 8 years
- Identifies as disabled (blind), Asian, she/her
- Overview of the Disability Services Infrastructure at U Toledo
- Recently renamed their disability office to “Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources”
- Wanted to honor disability and to highlight accessibility (as opposed to accomodations)
- Got student input on name change
- Serves faculty and students
- Almost 1100 students connected with the office
- Communication plans helps to communicate with students, faculty with disabilities, and faculty with disabled students
- Goal is to facilitate access and ensure that activities and academics are inclusive and equitable
- Accommodations are only one path to access
- Part of broader campus mission to improve the human condition
- “Nothing about us without us” philosophy
- Initiatives and Projects
- Annual student survey
- Coordinate alternative media options (ASL, CART)
- Currently moving towards providing CART always, waiting for students to ask for other options
- Assistive technology
- screen readers, zoom text, Jaws, Dragan naturally speaking, smart pens
- Goal is to make students as tech savvy and independent as possible, develop skills to prepare for a career path
- Always try to purchase the most accessible when purchasing new technology
- Partnership with IT department and procurement
- Unlimited auto-captioning for video and audio content, including an editor that allows for updates to the auto-captioning
- Housing and dining accommodations
- Plan renovations and construction for inclusivity
- Experiential learning opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students
- Testing accommodations across campus, not in a disability office, to make students feel comfortable and remove stigma
- Student advisory groups
- Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) group
- ADA liaisons, group which includes a dean from each of the 14 colleges
- Faculty education provided at least once per college every two years
- Currently using a curriculum about disability and accessibility through a social justice lens
- Blackboard Ally tells faculty how accessible a document is when it’s posted to blackboard, and allows students to export the file in a different format to make it more accessible
- Didn’t originally have auto-captioning, but chrome could still provide the captioning
- During COVID, provided additional accommodations to support universal access
- Difficult because of the uncertainty of COVID at the beginning
- Accessible recordings of all classes by default
- Included both pre-recorded material and real-time recordings, and live streams for virtual participation (Echo 360 and Media Site)
- Disability Studies Program
- 4 faculty that teach there
- Bachelors and minor offered in Disability Studies, and certificate and concentration for masters students
- Collaboration with the ability center (independent living center)
- Recently renamed their disability office to “Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources”
- Questions
- How do you respond when people provide feedback that you can’t address?
- Start with the access that will affect the most people, work from there
- Be creative with how to address problems/concerns
- Close ties with students (student boards and student government) to find out what problems students are having and to put pressure on administrators
- Ensure that DEI and accessibility are written into strategic planning documents to make sure people are constantly thinking about these things
- Try to move beyond compliance to actual functionality
- How does your office approach working with graduate students?
- No difference in priority between grad and undergrad students
- Recognize that grad students have different experiences than undergrads, so a holistic approach will recognize those differences
- If it’s a teaching accommodation (ex. TA, GSI), they work with HR
- If it’s an academic accommodation, they work with the office of accessibility and disability resources
- Students coming from high school to college, it can be difficult to cope with the differences between IDEA law and ADA/college regulations. How do you straddle that transition?
- Get information in the hands of those students
- Transition nights for high school students trying to attend college
- Publish information on website
- Encourage students to meet with staff on college tours as they’re deciding where to attend
- Clarify differences between accommodations and preferences
- Include parents and caregivers in conversations about the transition and services available
- Education and outreach
- Get information in the hands of those students
- How do you collaborate with the Ability Center?
- Transition programs for students to live on campus for a week before they permanently move in
- Programming at the Ability Center frequently includes talks/presentations by Enjie and others about college options
- Campaign about how to make Toledo the most accessible city in the US
- Also partner with “Opportunities for Ohio-ans with Disabilities”
- Program called College to Careers, 17 campuses in OH
- Programs for disabled college students to help find internships, employment
- What’s the next big plan/next steps?
- Advance DEI on campus
- Continue to innovate for student and faculty needs
- Invest in technological access
- Suggestion for UM:
- For each page of questions in survey, create a space where the respondent can comment on the questions
- How do you respond when people provide feedback that you can’t address?
- Role and Experiences
- Announcements and other matters arising
- GEO is planning a disability town hall for the whole university
- Reach out to [email protected]
- LA Community College District was litigating about providing accommodations
- Forwarding a disparate impact theory
- LACCD case not to continue to Supreme Court
- Disability Day of Mourning event was wonderful, attendance encouraged next year if you haven’t gone before
- GEO is planning a disability town hall for the whole university
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