Meeting Date
- Debrief of October Events
- Toward an Anti-Ableist Academy
- Partnered with Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Videos will be available on the conference website soon
- Discussion
- Thank you to Pam and the rest of the organizers!!
- Additional promotion and marketing in the future?
- Some people found out about it from their internal units/DEI leads
- Others, like LSA Tech Services, had minimal promotion internally
- Some promotion via university email
- Reach out to department chairs (more and earlier) for both promotion and participation
- Some people found out about it from their internal units/DEI leads
- Disability Culture Center session had visuals created for the session which were great
- Neubacher Award
- Jill Sklar was the 2022 winner
- You can start nominating for 2023 now!
- Increased promotion for this too
- Other events?
- Toward an Anti-Ableist Academy
- CfDC Meetings
- CfDC Meetings
- have been virtual during the pandemic, and sometimes hybrid
- Previously, they were in person
- Discussion
- In person meetings may engender more community, socialization, etc.
- Meeting in person would need to be intentionally accessible
- Zoom meetings are more accessible for some
- those with hearing impairments
- People not in Ann Arbor
- Those who don’t have access to parking on campus
- Maybe have something other than the monthly meetings in person
- Ex. social events, quarterly meetings, etc.
- This meeting time has become very popular
- How can CfDC make the meetings (on zoom) more participatory and accessible?
- Do we want to do anything to make these meetings feel more like a community?
- Re: hybrid meetings - There are some rooms around campus (at least in the Ruthven building) that have the option of meeting in a larger conference room with a large screen for Zoom participants. That could be an option for a hybrid type meeting
- In person meetings may engender more community, socialization, etc.
- CfDC Meetings
- Announcements
- Thank you all for submitting to the newsletter!
- Upcoming Event:
- Please join my fellow disability advocacy speakers and me in an upcoming, complimentary webinar with Guardian on the topic of Revisiting Disability Wisdom: Lessons from Workers with Disabilities on Wednesday, November 9 at 12:00 EST. Register to attend.
- Registration URL:
- Please join my fellow disability advocacy speakers and me in an upcoming, complimentary webinar with Guardian on the topic of Revisiting Disability Wisdom: Lessons from Workers with Disabilities on Wednesday, November 9 at 12:00 EST. Register to attend.
- A student group is trying to develop a project:
- Student email: “Thank you for your email. Basically, it is a class project for an entrepreneurship based class here at Michigan. The objective of the class is a semester-long project where teams are formed and have to create an innovative idea and put it to use in the real world. Our group decided to make an adaptive clothing website, PDF, and jacket as our idea to present at the end of the semester. In terms of information we want to receive, we thought that reaching out to the SSD could provide us assistance and feedback on our prototype, website, and PDF as we don't have a ton of exposure to this area. We would also love information on how we could promote our product, perhaps through the SSD website or through other campus websites. Our group is a total of 3 students and would love to set up a meeting time with whoever seems fit in order to provide us with some assistance. Thank you for your time.”
- Reach out to Natalie Ridgway ([email protected]) to get connected with those students
- GEO is circulating a petition and open letter requesting a meeting with President Ono to give instructors the option to require, among other things, two-way masking
- Thank you to the people in this community who raise accessibility concerns repeatedly - we appreciate your time and expertise!
- A reminder that larger public events in LSA can get CART and ASL services funded by the college!
- Thank you Disability Navigators, who made this possible!
- The Digital AF Lab is hosting a Disabili-TEA and Neurodiversi-TEA party this week on Thursday, November 10, 2022 1:00-2:00 PM ET
- In what ways can CfDC help to push for more disability awareness or accessibility in the future on a national level?
- Els was asked for feedback by someone from the CDC, need more information by November 21, 2022
- Voting access
- Accessibility more broadly, and for all people (can’t just hire an ASL interpreter and assume that will work for everyone)
- Tech advances more quickly than accessibility tools,
- Education around disability and Disability Culture
- Including disability culture
- “I wish people recognized that the ADA is the most baseline level of accessibility, and that we aren't done making society as accessible and inclusive as it can be just because that legislation was passed”
- Mentorship Update
- We had about 20 people sign up, but we don’t have anyone to take the lead on making pairs and running the program
- Can ask for volunteers in the next newsletter
- Dan Rabosky may be able to do it starting next semester!
- Do we need general counsel to sign off on confidentiality concerns?
- There are already a lot of mentorship programs on campus, we may be able to get more information from them
- We had about 20 people sign up, but we don’t have anyone to take the lead on making pairs and running the program